Pre Requisites



Information: One portal needs requirements for installation, some are mandatory in the case to apply for SQL or HANA installation.

Server Requirements

  1. 1. Internet Information Services
    Version 7.0 or higher
  2. 2. MS web platform Installer
    Direct link: / Download Here
  3. 3. SAP Business One
    PL 9.1 + and 32 bits version available
  4. 4. SQL
    Express version or 2008 / 2012 / 2014
  5. 5. DI API Server
    Check DI server features: Setting Here

  6. 5.1 DI Server need to be installed in the same server of IIS.
    5.2 DI Server need to be running in SAP Licenses Module.

HANA Requirements

  1. 1. Requirements:
    All Server Requirements:
    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 (* SQL is mandatory ) + 5
  2. (*) One Portal save custom user data in SQL independently of HANA.
  3. 2. HANA Connections / Views and Services data.

    * HANA Studio Access
    * Mandatory HANA backup of views before updates / installations.
    * Mandatory HANA analytics service running
  4. 3. Mandatory HANA analytics service running

Users Requirements

  1. SAP User Licenses
    The SAP User can run these types of licences: (*)

    Indirect User Access
    SAP user Settings
(*)The Partner is in charge of licences.
Indirect Access - has access to any SSP solutions (developed with the SAP Business One DIAPI) only. The Indirect Access license is bundled with the DI server. Users who have an Indirect Access license can access a limited number of application forms, but cannot perform any functions with the SAP Business One application. Users who have an Indirect Access license can access an unlimited number of SSP solutions.