Installation Processes / Import

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Follow the next steps to setup OnePortal, take care about before settings in server machine.

This is available in: 1.2 +
  1. 1. Right click over the portal site.
  2. 2. Go to Deploy Menu , right Click.Import Application
  3. 3. Look for the installator Portal / file inside the installation folder.
  4. 4. Start the INSTALLATION procedure.
  5. 5. Complete all steps following indicators bellow.


OnePortalA. Select all the option in the INSTALLATION procedure.

IconWhen updating the portal unselect the Deploy SQL Database if you don´t want create a new database.

OnePortalB. Remove the path and open the connection string window

IconIn the connection string enter the data for SQL, in the FIELD Database you need to create a name for a new database.

OnePortalC. Review the log and click finish
